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The Lords and the Internet

portcullis.gifThe Lords Science and Technology Select Committee has just published a huge report on Personal Internet Security - much mentioned on the radio today.  I won't pretend to have read it, although I plan to, but it's almost 600 pages long, and I haven't started the new Harry Potter yet, so it may be a while.

If you want to read it, it'll cost you over £30 to buy a printed one, but I have arranged for you to download full copies from this site, if you want, just click here for Volume One (Report) and here for Volume Two (Evidence) and follow the instructions.  They are each over 2.5M, so may take a minute or two to download.  Not only does that save paper, but it means you can skim through it to the vital bits.  If you really want to buy the printed version, click here.

I must say that the list of recommendations generally look a bit more like wishful thinking than matters that will actually happen, but it's all well meant.  At the heart of it is a realisation that the internet is largely un-policable, and it's all down to us to look after ourselves.  Burt as we are used to that when it comes to looking after our non-virtual property (when did you last hear of the police recovering some stolen jewellery?) this should come as no surprise.

So make sure your firewall is on, make sure you have up to date anti virus and spyware stuff, and use them both regularly (at least once per week) and NEVER, EVER open an attachment on an email from an unfamiliar source.


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