Fabulous response from Oldie readers
April 23, 2012

A little while ago I sent an email to everyone who has ever emailed me (impertinent, I know) to ask for support for my two eldest children's efforts to raise money for Cancer Relief UK.

I am thrilled to be able to say that the both finished - despite, in Celia's case, some injuries which threatened her participation.  The official results are here.

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit and openness of wallets that has been shown - thank you very much indeed.  So far, they have raised more than £6,500, over £2,000 of which has come from Oldie readers of my column.  You can follow the success by clicking here.

I shouldn't be surprised; all the emails I get from readers are charming and thoughtful. That's Oldie readers for you.

Article originally appeared on Webster in The Oldie (http://www.askwebster.co.uk/).
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