March 3, 2013

A simple laptop?

I have just read your most recent article regarding computers with 'UI'.  My wife and I are always confused with computer technology and she is finding it more and more difficult to write because of arthritis. Being also less able to get around she is also getting bored!

Answer - write you life story for the grandchildren.  So we need a simple laptop.  Grateful for your advice on where to start.


I'm afraid that there really is no such thing as a simple laptop, at least not in my experience.  Perhaps there will be one day.

The closest I can find is the Chromebook - click here to see the adverts.  My only complaint is that the screen on the one I have played with is smaller than is ideal, but you can plug a bigger one in if you want to;  Also, at the moment there are limitations; Skype, for example, does not yet work on it, but I'm sure they'll fix that.

It all depends on your level of experience and skill, what you want to achieve and also the age of your present equipment   If you have not bought a computer for a few years, you would be pleasantly surprised if you did splash out on a new one - it will be much faster and smother but there will be new procedures to learn.

Sorry to be so unhelpful; I suggest that you might look at a few in a good shop - not PC World, or similar giant, but somewhere sensible like John Lewis, who have always been very helpful to my own parents (late eighties) and their computer needs.   John Lewis have a very good helpline, apparently. Or a respectable independent dealer, if you can find one. 

Good luck.  I'm strongly in favour of recording life stories for grandchildren, especially of your early years. - even your own children may surprised at what you got up to!

Article originally appeared on Webster in The Oldie (
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